Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Broken Arrow City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/25/2025 6:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers 220 South 1st Street Broken Arrow, OK
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-10 A. Consent ItemApproval of the City Council Meeting Minutes of February 4, 2025   Not available Not available
25-242 B. Consent ItemAcceptance Planning Commission meeting minutes of January 16, 2025   Not available Not available
25-243 C. Consent ItemAcceptance Planning Commission meeting minutes of January 23, 2025   Not available Not available
25-215 D. Consent ItemAcceptance of Drainage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of October 28, 2024   Not available Not available
25-233 E. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1630, a Resolution authorizing the City Attorney to defend Leon Rademacher in the matter of John Winningham, et al. v. City of Broken Arrow, et al. Case No. 24-cv-62-JDR, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma   Not available Not available
25-234 F. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1631, a Resolution authorizing the City Attorney to defend Scott Bennett in the matter of John Winningham, et al. v. City of Broken Arrow, et al. Case No. 24-cv-62-JDR, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma   Not available Not available
25-232 G. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1632, a Resolution authorizing the City Attorney to defend Tiffany Jessie Koch in the matter of John Winningham, et al. v. City of Broken Arrow, et al. Case No. 24-cv-62-JDR, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Oklahoma   Not available Not available
25-187 H. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute a Waiver of Conflict of Interest between the Center for Economic Development Law “Law Firm”, and the City of Broken Arrow involving the Center for Economic Development’s representation of The Robson Companies, and any affiliates and sponsors, with respect to certain economic development matters and subjects as they relate to the City of Broken Arrow   Not available Not available
24-1678 I. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Agreement for Transportation Planning Support with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc for providing traffic master plan evaluations and related support services (2552170)   Not available Video Video
24-1678 I. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Agreement for Transportation Planning Support with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc for providing traffic master plan evaluations and related support services (2552170)   Not available Video Video
25-201 J. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to renew subscription to SolarWinds Web-Service Desk pursuant to the Oklahoma State Purchasing Contract   Not available Not available
25-185 K. Consent ItemNotification of City Manager's and Assistant City Manager's execution of Professional Consultant Agreements and Amendments to an Agreement, as well as public Construction Contracts not subject to the Competitive Bid Act, with a Contract value of less than $50,000.00 or less   Not available Not available
25-229 L. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to purchase two used BMW motorcycles for the Police Department traffic division from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol   Not available Not available
25-216 M. Consent ItemAcceptance of the Drainage Advisory Committee’s recommendation to deny the expenditure of 2018 General Obligation (GO) Bond, Proposition 6 funds to construct improvements to a creek bank in the Estates of Birchwood subdivision   Not available Not available
25-80 N. Consent ItemAcceptance of the Drainage Advisory Committee’s recommendation to approve expenditure of 2018 General Obligation (GO) Bond, Proposition 6 funds for retaining an engineering consultant to design a set of construction plans to mitigate erosion along Adams Creek adjacent to the Preserve Park Regional Detention Pond (Case No. 25-002)   Not available Not available
25-176 O. Consent Item??Approval of BAZ-001762-2024 (Rezoning), 510M, approximately 3.46 acres, RM (Residential Multi-Family), CN (Commercial Neighborhood), & CH (Commercial Heavy) to ON (Office Neighborhood), located approximately one-third mile north of Kenosha Street (71st Street), east of Elm Place (161st E. Avenue)?? ?   Not available Not available
25-241 P. Consent ItemApproval of PT-001942-2024|PR-000627-2024, Conditional Final Plat, Timber Ridge Residential, approximately 35.30 acres, 141 Lots, A-1 (Agricultural) to RS-4 (Single-Family Residential) and RD (Residential Duplex)/PUD-334, located south and west of the southwest corner of Albany Street (61st Street) and 37th Street (209th E. Avenue)   Not available Video Video
25-179 Q. Consent ItemAcceptance of a Drainage Easement from Margaret Couch Scraper, Trustee of the Margaret Couch Scraper Family Trust, dated March 23, 2006, on property generally located at the northeast corner of the intersection of 9th Street and Washington Street in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 18 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, State of Oklahoma. Parcel 3.A for the 9th Street widening from Houston Street to Washington Street (Project No. ST2027)   Not available Not available
25-178 R. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1629, a Resolution authorizing acceptance of a General Warranty Deed for Parcel 3.0, which consists of 1.56 Acres of permanent Right-of-Way, generally located at the northeast corner of 9th Street and Washington Street in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 18 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, from Margaret Couch Scraper, Trustee of the Margaret Couch Scraper Family Trust, dated March 23, 2006, and authorization of payment in the amount of $163,800.00 for the 9th Street widening from Houston Street to Washington Street, Parcel 3.0 (Project No. ST2027)   Not available Not available
25-189 S. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Action Power Sports located at 2150 West Concord Circle   Not available Not available
25-190 T. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Battle Creek Church Parking Lot located at 3025 North Aspen Avenue   Not available Not available
25-191 U. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Express Oil Change located at 2250 West Norfolk Drive   Not available Not available
25-192 V. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Outback Steakhouse located at 1421 East Hillside Drive   Not available Not available
25-193 W. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Scuba Savvy located at 2000 East Albany Avenue   Not available Not available
25-194 X. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at The Estates at Ridgewood South located on East 81st Street near 257th East Avenue   Not available Not available
25-196 Y. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Trails at Aspen Creek located at 2602 West Tucson Street   Not available Not available
25-197 Z. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization of Final Acceptance for the public improvements at Whataburger Aspen Ridge located at 1902 West Norfolk Drive   Not available Not available
25-221 AA. Consent ItemRatification of the Claims List Check Register Dated February 10, 2025   Not available Not available
25-219 A. PresentationsPresentation of upcoming Parks and Recreation micro-survey   Not available Video Video
25-231 B. PresentationsUpdate on the 2026 General Obligation Bond Package   Not available Video Video
25-239 A. General BusinessConsideration, discussion and possible direction from the City Council on the Compensation of members of the City Council   Not available Video Video
25-204 B. General BusinessConsideration, discussion, and possible action to approve the Visit Broken Arrow Film Incentive in an initial amount of $100,000.00   Not available Video Video
25-228 C. General BusinessConsideration, discussion and possible approval and authorization to execute an agreement with Trane U.S. Inc. for the Turnkey supply and installation of 25 Trane Package Rooftop Units, 1 Split System, 2 Mini-Split Systems, 1 Captiva Air Make-Up Unit, and a Trane Tracer Building Automation System at the Bass Pro Building through the OMNIA Partners Purchasing Cooperative   Not available Video Video
25-237 D. General BusinessConsideration, discussion and possible approval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1633 for Northeastern State University - Broken Arrow to become a traditional four-year public university and supporting Oklahoma Senate Bill SB701 that would accomplish this endeavor?   Not available Video Video
25-235 E. General BusinessConsideration, discussion, and possible approval of a list of the City of Broken Arrow's priorities to present to Oklahoma members of Congress at National League of Cities Advocacy on Capitol Hill Day on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, in Washington, D.C.   Not available Video Video
25-173 A. Preview OrdinanceConsideration, discussion, and possible preview of Ordinance No. 3849, an ordinance amending Chapter 5 Animals, Article I, In General; Section 5-21   Not available Video Video
25-224 A. OrdinanceConsideration, discussion, and possible adoption of Ordinance No. 3850, an ordinance creating a Vehicle Replacement Fund to ensure funds availability for the purchase of city wide vehicles to be determined in the future, and approve the emergency clause   Not available Video Video
25-225 B. OrdinanceConsideration, discussion, and possible approval of an emergency clause for Ordinance No. 3850   Not available Video Video