Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Broken Arrow City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/4/2025 6:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers 220 South 1st Street Broken Arrow, OK
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: City Council February 4 City Council February 4  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-145 A. Consent ItemAcknowledgement of upcoming out-of-state travel by City Council Members   Not available Not available
25-9 B. Consent ItemApproval of the City Council Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2025   Not available Not available
25-137 C. Consent ItemAcceptance of Planning Commission meeting minutes of December 5, 2024   Not available Not available
25-138 D. Consent ItemAcceptance of Planning Commission meeting minutes of December 19, 2024   Not available Not available
25-175 E. Consent ItemAcceptance of Drainage Advisory Committee meeting minutes of October 28, 2024   Not available Not available
24-1502 F. Consent ItemNotification of City Manager's and Assistant City Manager's execution of Professional Consultant Agreements and Amendments to an Agreement, as well as public Construction Contracts not subject to the Competitive Bid Act, with a Contract value of less than $50,000   Not available Not available
25-151 G. Consent ItemAward of the most advantageous bid for decommissioned firearms through a store credit system with H&H Shooting Sports pursuant to the Competitive Bidding Process   Not available Not available
25-160 H. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Change Order No. 2 with Ascend Commercial Builders for the BA Public Works Field Office Project (2217090)   Not available Not available
25-161 I. Consent ItemApproval of and authorization to execute Change Order No. 2 with Mowtown Outdoors for the Gardens at Central Park (2360450)   Not available Not available
25-170 J. Consent ItemRatification of Dismissal of Condemnation Proceeding, City of Broken Arrow v. Amy L. Williams, et al.; Wagoner County District Court Case No. CJ-2024-462   Not available Not available
25-180 K. Consent ItemApproval of BAZ-001873-2024 (Rezoning), Davis Duplex, 0.41 acres, R-3 (Single-Family Residential) to RD (Residential Duplex), located one half mile north of Houston Street (81st Street), East of Lynn Lane (9th Street)   Not available Not available
25-147 L. Consent Item??Approval of BAZ-001906-2024 (Rezoning), County Line 25, approximately 25 acres, A-1 (Agriculture) to RS-4 (Single-Family Residential), located approximately one-half mile south of Albany Street (61st Street), west of 37th Street (209th E. Avenue) ?   Not available Not available
25-183 M. Consent ItemApproval of SP-001884-2024, an amendment to SP-299, Church on the Move, 7.55 acres, located south of Kenosha Street (71st Street), east of 9th Street (Lynn Lane/177th E. Avenue)   Not available Not available
25-177 N. Consent ItemAcceptance of a Deed of Dedication for Parcel 1.0, which consists of 1.02 Acres of permanent Right-of-Way, located at 9123 South 177th East Avenue in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, in the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 18 North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, from Cheeneah Maria Armstrong, and authorization of payment in the amount of $152,400 for the 9th Street widening from Houston Street to Washington Street, Parcel 1.0 (Project No. ST2027)   Not available Not available
25-163 O. Consent ItemRatification of the Claims List Check Register Dated January 27, 2025   Not available Not available
25-167 A. Appeal??Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding an appeal of PUD-001814-2024 minor amendment, Antler Falls, 45.84 acres, PUD-001242-2023 (Planned Unit Development)/RS-4 (Single-Family Residential), located on the southeast corner of Houston Street (81st Street) and Midway Road (257th East Avenue) ?   Not available Video Video
25-166 B. PresentationsUpdate on the 2026 General Obligation Bond Package   Not available Video Video
25-123 A. General BusinessConsideration, discussion, and possible approval of a list of the City of Broken Arrow's priorities to present to Oklahoma members of Congress at National League of Cities Advocacy on Capitol Hill Day on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, in Washington, D.C.   Not available Video Video
25-153 B. General BusinessConsideration, discussion and possible approval of the Memorandum of Understanding on Article 27 in the Fiscal Year 2023-2025 collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with the International Association of Fire Fighters Local 2551   Not available Video Video
25-158 C. General BusinessConsideration, discussion, and possible approval of and authorization to execute a Professional Consultant Agreement with CJC Architects, Inc. for the design of the new General Services - Administration Building (Project 2517170)   Not available Video Video
25-146 D. General Business??Consideration, discussion and possible approval of PUD-001893-2024 (Planned Unit Development) and BAZ-001891-2024 (Rezoning), Aspen Creek Villas, approximately 90 acres, A-1 (Agricultural) to RS-4 (Residential Single Family) with a PUD, located north of Tucson Street (121st Street) and approximately one quarter mile east of Olive Avenue (129th Avenue)?   Not available Video Video
25-181 E. General BusinessConsideration, discussion, and possible action regarding a waiver to Section 4.1(n) of the Land Subdivision Code for April Barker, approximately 2.62 acres, A-RE (Annexed Residential Estate) to RE (Residential Estate) via BAZ-001900-2024, located one-half mile north of New Orleans Street (101st Street), one-third mile west of 23rd Street (193rd E. Avenue/County Line Road)   Not available Video Video
25-182 F. General BusinessConsideration, discussion, and possible action regarding BAZ-001900-2024 (Rezoning), April Barker, 2.62 acres, A-RE (Annexed Residential Estate), located one-half mile north of New Orleans Street (101st Street), one-third mile west of 23rd Street (193rd E. Avenue/County Line Road)   Not available Video Video