Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 02-04-2025
Approval of SP-001884-2024, an amendment to SP-299, Church on the Move, 7.55 acres, located south of Kenosha Street (71st Street), east of 9th Street (Lynn Lane/177th E. Avenue)
SP-001884-2024 is a request to expand SP-299 Specific Use Permit for a "Place of Assembly" use on property presently zoned CG (Commercial General) that is located south of Kenosha Street (71st Street), east of 9th Street (Lynn Lane/177th E. Avenue). A shopping center containing approximately 68,000 square feet is located on the 7.55-acre parcel.
SP-299 was approved on 02-01-2021, which allowed place of assembly on approximately 24,000 square feet of the existing shopping center, and this is a request to increase the area used for "Place of Assembly" to 33,456 square feet.
The Zoning Ordinance defines Place of Assembly as "A building or structure, or group of buildings or structures, intended primarily for the conduction of organized assembly. May include, but are not limited to religious facilities, assembly halls, and fraternal/social clubs. Accessory uses may include meeting rooms and childcare provided for persons while they are attending assembly functions." Place of Assembly requires a Specific Use Permit in all agricultural, residential, and commercial zoning districts. Place of Assembly is a permitted use in the ON (Office Neighborhood district). Church on the Move wants to hold church services in the existing space on the northeast corner of the shopping center.
Kenosha Street, between 9th Street and 23rd Street, is classified as a primary arterial street. According to a 2019 traffic study, the average daily traffic count on Kenosha Street, east of 9th Street was 16,976. Kenosha Street between 23rd Street and 9th Street generally has the highest daily traffic count in Broken Arrow among arterial streets. Access to the church will be from both Kenosha Street and 9th Street.
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