Broken Arrow Economic Development Authority
Meeting of: 02-04-2025
Acknowledgement of submittal of the December 2024 Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation’s Monthly Report
The Broken Arrow Economic Development Authority contracts with the Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation in the amount of $425,000.00 annually with the goal to encourage and facilitate economic development within and near the City of Broken Arrow by attracting new industry and commercial businesses to the Broken Arrow area, and to promote the economic health and expansion of existing industry and commercial businesses within the City. Per the Economic Development Agreement, each month BAEDC shall submit a Monthly Activity Report detailing services and activities that accurately state the progress made in implementing the terms, conditions and scope of work required by the Contract. Attached is the Monthly Activity Report for December 2024.
Cost: $35,416.66 per month
Funding Source: Fund 887
Requested By: Jennifer Rush, Economic Development Manager
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: BAEDC Monthly Activity Report
Acknowledge the December 2024 Broken Arrow Economic Development Corporation’s Monthly Report.