Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 09-17-2024
Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of and authorization for the City Manager to execute a grant agreement for the City of Broken Arrow's participation in the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Transportation Discretionary Grant Program with respect to the Reconnecting Broken Arrow: Planning for Multimodal Improvements Project
The City of Broken Arrow has been notified the USDOT 2023 RAISE Grant Agreement for the above referenced project with the United States Department of Transportation is approved for execution. This planning grant project will provide for the following services (not to include construction): preliminary engineering design, environmental planning and services, public outreach and coordination, preliminary right-of-way & utility planning/coordination, etc.
The project scope includes planning and preliminary design for transportation improvements including pedestrian connectivity over the project footprint area. While incorporating roadway improvements along two arterial street corridors previously included in grant applications (both Elm Place & 9th Street corridors from Kenosha to Albany Streets), this planning grant project will include both trail and sidewalk improvements along several roadway corridors within the City. The first pedestrian connectivity corridor is located along Hillside Drive beginning at Camino Villa and proceeding westward to 9th Street (to tie into proposed roadway improvements along the 9th Street corridor). An additional connecting trail would also be included to extend north to tie into both Nienhuis Park and Broken Arrow High School. Another pedestrian connectivity corridor is located along Kenosha Street beginning at 9th Street continuing westward to Aspen Avenue. Finally, a pedestrian connectivity corridor is also included in the project from Kenosha Street north to 46th Street...
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