File #: 25-285    Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/26/2025 In control: Broken Arrow City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of Ordinance No. 3851, adopting Article I-General; Section 2-16 Salary of the Mayor and City Councilmembers commencing April 4, 2025; and repealing all ordinances to the contrary
Attachments: 1. 03-04-25 Council pay ordinance no 3851

Broken Arrow City Council

Meeting of: 03-04-2025




Consideration, discussion and possible adoption of Ordinance No. 3851, adopting Article I-General; Section 2-16 Salary of the Mayor and City Councilmembers commencing April 4, 2025; and repealing all ordinances to the contrary





At the Broken Arrow City Council special meeting of February 25, 2025, Council considered and discussed an item regarding compensation for service on the City Council. Per direction to staff, Council requested an Ordinance be prepared allowing for compensation to be paid to the Mayor of $12,000.00 per year and City Councilmember compensation to be paid in the sum of $9,000.00 per year.  The attached Ordinance provides for the payment of the salary to the Mayor/Council; requires the filling out of a W-4; Provides that no deferred compensation shall be allowed to Mayor/Council; Provides that the Salary cease upon vacation of the office and provides that salary is full compensation for all regular and special meetings and standing committees and subcommittees. 

This ordinance shall be published in full and shall take effect 30 days from its passage commencing on April 4, 2025.


It should be noted that due to Oklahoma law preventing Council from establishing or raising pay during their current term, the Councilman at Large position shall not be eligible for the pay stated herein until after their current term of office.  The pay for the Councilman at Large position shall commence upon the beginning of the next term for that office (April 2027). Lastly, the Council does not wish to revisit the issue of compensation for Council again until at least April 1, 2029.


Cost:                                                                Approximately $48,000.00 plus all applicable payroll taxes

Funding Source:                     General Fund

Requested By:                      City Manager’s Office

Approved By:                      Trevor Dennis, City Attorney

Attachments:                                          Ordinance No. 3851



Adopt Ordinance No. 3851
