Broken Arrow Municipal Authority
Meeting of: 12-03-2024
Presentation of update of the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements implementation and notification of service line materials notifications letter issuance
The Environmental Protection Agency issued Lead and Copper Rule Improvements implementation has been underway now for several years by the City of Broken Arrow Utilities Staff in accordance the rules and regulations enforced by the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality. This presentation is to update the Authority on the status of the Utilities Departments actions taken to stay in compliance with the deadlines set by the state on this new rule, display the new public outreach components on the Cities website, and notify the Authority and the general public of the letters being sent for “unknown service line materials” & “galvanized service lines requiring replacement”.
Cost: N/A
Funding Source: N/A
Requested By: Timothy S. Robins, PE - Director of Utilities
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: LCRI Notification Letters for Unknown & Galvanized Requiring Replacement