Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 11/19/2024
Consideration, discussion and possible approval of and authorization to execute the contract for Software Services and Professional Services with OpenGov
In the fall of 2016, the city purchased the transparency platform OpenGov and launched it in January 2017. With the implantation of the city’s new software Munis Open Gov relaunched in January 2024. OpenGov has a new upgraded transparency platform and staff is very interested in upgrading to the new software. The OpenGov will be interactive and will provide digital publications and dashboards to communicate the priorities and bond projects to the public. The benefits will help improve the city’s ability to inform and educate the community, including how the city is spending its money. It will be able to customize to showcase the city’s projects and provide proof of performance and will be integrated with the city’s existing website to seamlessly deliver content and engage the community. This will just be an amendment to our master agreement. The cost will be an additional $35,000 per year with an implantation fee of $51,170 the first year.
Cost will be.
1st year $111,624.05
2nd year $63,476.75
3rd year $66,650.59
Cost: $111,624.05 1st year
Funding Source: General Government Operating Accounts in General and BAMA Funds
Requested By: Cynthia S. Arnold, Finance Director
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Master Agreement, Scope of Work and OpenGov Contract
Approve and authorize execution of the amended contract with OpenGov