Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 02-18-2025
Consideration, discussion, and possible preview of Ordinance No. 3849, an ordinance amending Chapter 5 Animals, Article I, In General; Section 5-21
Ordinance 3849 amending the Broken Arrow Code Of Ordinances, Chapter 5 Animals, Article I, In General; Section 5-21 - Venomous reptiles, wild or exotic animals prohibited; Exceptions; Repealing all ordinances to the contrary; Implementing and declaring an emergency. The previous version of this Ordinance required the appointment of an “exotic animal review committee” consisting of five individuals with expertise in the field of wild and exotic animals to approve all permits for wild or exotic animals. The revised ordinance removes the requirement that an applicant receive approval from the “exotic animal review committee”. Thus, an applicant for a wild or exotic animal permit only needs to obtain the approval of a qualified veterinarian and the City’s animal control supervisor. The amended ordinance also removes Sulcata tortoises from the permit requirement.
Cost: $0
Funding Source: None
Requested By: Trevor Dennis, City Attorney
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Preview Ordinance No. 3849
Preview Ordinance No. 3849 and set for adoption.