Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 12-03-2024
Approval of PUD-001772-2024 (Planned Unit Development) and BAZ-001552-2024 (rezoning), Aspen Park, CH (Commercial Heavy), R-3 (Single-Family Residential), RD (Residential Duplex) and PUD-118A to IL (Industrial Light) and PUD-001772-2024, 7.4 acres, Comprehensive Plan Level 3 to Level 6 via COMP-001570-2024, generally located one quarter mile north of west Kenosha Street (East 71st Street South) and one quarter mile east of North Aspen Avenue (South 145th East Avenue)
PUD-001772-2024 and BAZ-001552-2024 are requests to change the zoning to Industrial Light and PUD-001772-2024 on approximately 7.4 acres generally located one quarter mile north of west Kenosha Street (East 71st Street South) and one quarter mile east of North Aspen Avenue (South 145th East Avenue). The property is partially platted as part of Lot 1 Block 4 Aspen Park Village and partially un-platted. The parcel is currently undeveloped.
COMP-001570-2024 was approved by City Council on October 15th, 2024, which changed the comprehensive plan to level 6. BAZ-001552-2024 is a rezoning request for this parcel to rezone from PUD-118A to Industrial Light. The Land Use Intensity System shows that rezoning to Industrial Light is Possible in Level 6 of the comprehensive plan. To be in accordance with the comprehensive plan this rezoning must:
- Be done with a Planned Unit Development
o PUD-001772-2024 is being reviewed today.
- Be an extension of an existing industrial area
o Existing industrial zone to the south
- Be reached by an arterial street which does not pass through a residential area
o North Redbud Avenue is a Standard Industrial Street with direct access to an Arterial Street
- Thoroughly screen all adjoining residential areas.
o The conceptual PUD proposes landscaping to meet the zoning ordinance requirements
The proposed tract is included in PUD 118A. This PUD was approved by City Council on April 1st, 2002, and ...
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