Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 1-21-2025
Approval of and authorization to execute Change Order No. 2 with Becco Contractors Inc for the Houston St Widening (ST2028)
The Houston Street Widening Project is to widen and improve Houston St from Garnett to Olive Ave. Storm box improvements, utility relocation, and entrance improvements are all part of this project.
Change Order No. 2 addresses the following additions/deletions/changes to the contract:
- The rework of the traffic signals to account for the moving utilities and the closedown of the intersection of Olive and Houston.
- There is a 5-day change in contract time.
The total cost for Change Order No. 2 amounts to $19,250.00
The additional cost associated with these changes is as follows:
Previous Change Orders: $14,000.00
This Change Order(s): $19,250.00
Total Cost of Change Orders: $33,250.00
Original Contract Amount: $5,718,000.00
Revised Contract Amount: $5,751,250.00
Percent Change in Contract: 0.58%
Applicable to Comp. Bid Act: 0.58%
Cost: $5,751,250.00
Funding Source: 2018 General Obligation Bond Funds
Requested By: Charlie Bright, PE, Director of Engineering and Construction
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Change order No. 2 Houston St Widening
Approval of and authorization to execute Change Order No. 2 with Becco Contractors Inc for the Houston St Widening (ST2028)