File #: 25-289    Name:
Type: General Business Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/28/2025 In control: Broken Arrow City Council
On agenda: 3/4/2025 Final action:
Title: Consideration, discussion, and possible action of the Housing and Demographic Study final report from Points Consulting LLC and approval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1635
Attachments: 1. Resolution No. 1635
Date Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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Broken Arrow City Council

Joint Special Meeting of: 03-04-2025




                     Consideration, discussion, and possible action of the Housing and Demographic Study final report from Points Consulting LLC and approval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1635




To guide the future growth of the city and enhance the quality of life, the 2019 NEXT Comprehensive Plan specified goals to analyze and study the City’s future and current housing and demographic trends.


In November 2022, the City Council authorized preparation of a Housing & Demographic Study. Staff prepared and advertised a Request for Qualification (RFQ) with an extensive proposal to study the historical and future Housing & Demographic trends for Broken Arrow.

On May 2, 2023, City Council awarded a contract to Points Consulting LLC.  An advisory steering committee assisted Points Consulting LLC.  The Advisory Panel consisted of members from the following:

1.                     City Council Representative

2.                     Planning Commission Representative

3.                     City Manager’s Office

4.                     Broken Arrow Chamber & EOC

5.                     Broken Arrow Young Professionals

6.                     Broken Arrow Schools

7.                     Union Schools

8.                     Home Builders Association

9.                     Indian Nations Council Of Governments (INCOG)

10.                     Residential Development

11.                     Alternative Housing Development

Cost:                                                                $0

Funding Source:                     None


Requested By:                      Rocky Henkel, Community Development Director


Approved By:                      City Manager’s Office

Attachments:                                          None



Approve and adopt the Housing and Demographic Study final report from Points Consulting and approve Resolution No. 1635 and authorize its execution
