Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 12-17-2024
Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of and authorization to execute a Professional Consultant Agreement with Narrate for the design of the Operations Center Administration Building Remodel Project (Project No. 2317210)
The City of Broken Operations Center Administration Building will be remodeled to the existing space for the use of the Utility Department, Streets and Storm Department, and Code Enforcement Team of the Community Development Department. A space study has been performed to determine the best utilization of the space. This project will use the spacy study as a guild to design the offices, work areas, and public facing spaces for all three departments.
City staff negotiated an agreement with the Narrate to prepare the Construction Documents for $243,100.00
Cost: $243,100.00
Funding Source: 2018 GO Bond
Requested By: Charlie Bright, P.E., Director of Engineering & Construction
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Professional Consulting Agreement
Approve and authorize execution of a Professional Consultant Agreement with Narrate for the design of the Operations Center Administration Building Remodel Project (Project No. 2317210)