??Broken Arrow City Council?
??Consideration, discussion and possible action regarding an appeal of PUD-001814-2024 minor amendment, Antler Falls, 45.84 acres, PUD-001242-2023 (Planned Unit Development)/RS-4 (Single-Family Residential), located on the southeast corner of Houston Street (81st Street) and Midway Road (257th East Avenue) ?
PUD-001814-2024 is a request for a minor amendment to PUD-001242-2023 for the Antler Falls single-family residential development on 45.84 acres of land. This property is located on the southeast corner of Houston Street (81st Street) and Midway Road (257th East Avenue).
PUD-001814-2024 & PUD-001242-2023
The Antler Falls development proposes to create a master planned zero-lot-line single-family development. The development will include landscaping, reserve areas with amenities, and a maximum of 160 lots served by gated private streets built to the standards of the City of Broken Arrow with entry points on both Houston Street and Midway Road. PUD-001242 is proposed to be developed in accordance with RS-4 zoning requirements except as modified by the PUD (Planned Unit Development).
Requested Minor Amendment:
Side Set Back
1 foot and 7 feet (minimum 8 feet between buildings, eaves may extend 1-foot past setback with 6 feet total between building eave to eave)
1 foot and 9 feet (10 feet between buildings)
During the meeting held December 19, 2024, the Planning Commission recommended approval (3-2) of PUD-001814-2024 based on Vice Chairman Coan's motion that "the existing PUD setback would not change, but 20% of a structures side wall can bump out 2 feet into the side set back." This motion was based on comments made by the applicant during the meeting.
This appeal has been requested by the applicant to increase the percentage to 35%. Applicant Request:
We are requesting an appeal in order to request a corrected and accura...
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