Broken Arrow City Council
Approval of BAZ-001762-2024 (Rezoning), 510M, approximately 3.46 acres, RM (Residential Multi-Family), CN (Commercial Neighborhood), & CH (Commercial Heavy) to ON (Office Neighborhood), located approximately one-third mile north of Kenosha Street (71st Street), east of Elm Place (161st E. Avenue)
BAZ-001762-2024 is a request to change the zoning designation on 3.46 acres from RM (Residential Multi-Family), CN (Commercial Neighborhood), & CH (Commercial Heavy) to ON (Office Neighborhood). The property is located north of Kenosha Street, east of Elm Place and is currently platted as Lot 1 Block 1 Northside Christian Church.
The applicant is requesting to rezone the lot in preparation for a future commercial development, no applications have been filed at this time. This property meets all of the dimensional standards for the ON zoning district.
This property is designated as Level 3 in the Comprehensive Plan and requested ON zoning is in accordance with that designation.
During the meeting held January 23, 2025, the Planning Commission recommended approval (5-0) of BAZ-001762-2024 per Staff recommendation. Staff recommended approval subject to platting. During the public comment period no one spoke.
Cost: $0
Funding Source: -
Requested By: Rocky Henkel, Community Development Director
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report
Case Map
Aerial Image
Comprehensive Plan
Approve BAZ-001762-2024 per Planning Commission and Staff recommendation.