Broken Arrow Economic Development Authority
Meeting of: 02-04-2025
Approval of and authorization to execute a First Amended Economic Development Agreement between the Broken Arrow Economic Development Authority and Solar Turbines Incorporated
On 08-20-2024, the Authority approved and executed an Economic Development Agreement with Solar Turbines. After execution, it became apparent that there were a few items regarding the required reporting that needed clarification. Staff worked with Solar Turbines representatives to ensure the changes were agreeable, clear and complete.
The following changes were made to Section 4.1(d)(v):
• Reporting due date change from June 30th to August 1st.
• Reporting Period of July 1st - June 30
• Clarification that submission of all reports are to be emailed to both the Director of Finance and to the Economic Development Director.
No other changes were made to the agreement.
Cost: None
Funding Source: None
Requested By: Makala Barton, Tourism Manager
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: First Amended Economic Development Agreement
Approve and authorize execution of a First Amended Economic Development Agreement between the Broken Arrow Economic Development Authority and Solar Turbines Incorporated