Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 02/04/2025
Acknowledgement of upcoming out-of-state travel by City Council Members
This item comes before the Council to advise of upcoming out-of-state travel by City Council members for March 2025:
Congressional City Conference is the National League of Cities’ conference for local leaders to learn more about the common challenges affecting cities during workshops and general sessions. Conference delegates get specialized training to build leadership skills and conduct productive meetings with federal representatives. This group will have an opportunity to visit Arlington National Cemetery, Lincoln Memorial, Smithsonian Museum as well as a meeting on Capital Hill to advocate for local priorities on a federal level.
On March 7, 2025 through March 13, 2025, Mayor Debra Wimpee, Vice Mayor Johnnie Parks, Council Members Lisa Ford, Justin Green and David Pickel will travel to Washington, D.C. to attend this conference.
Also attending are Mike Godefrin and Erin Hoffener from City Manager’s Office, and seven (7) Youth City Councilors.
Cost: $30,000 (approximate)
Funding Source: General Government
Requested By: City Clerk’s Office
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: None
Acknowledge upcoming out-of-state travel by City Council members.