Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 02/18/2025
Acceptance of the Drainage Advisory Committee's recommendation to deny the expenditure of 2018 General Obligation (GO) Bond, Proposition 6 funds to construct improvements to a creek bank in the Estates of Birchwood subdivision
The proposed project is to investigate and mitigate the bank erosion and sanitary sewer line that lies along the west side of the bank. The project site is located at approximately 4004 S. Yellowood Ave.
Staff investigated the site and found some stream bank erosion and undercutting has occurred along the creek. There is an exposed sanitary sewer line within the concern area, however it is encased in steel where it crosses the creek. No leaks appeared to be present at the time of the site visit. This creek is a part of the Haikey Creek watershed and is in a FEMA floodplain.
The creek bank has started to undercut in several places along the creek. The applicant states that the width of the creek has expanded over the past several years. The homeowner has installed sandbags along the bank behind their property to try to stop the erosion, but it has not been effective.
The applicant has had to repair their sanitary service line as they claim it was damaged from the creek. Their service line is exposed and runs above the bottom of the creek. They have protected their service line with sandbags.
Staff presented the case before the Drainage Advisory Committee and no public benefit was identified. Therefore, a recommendation to deny expenditure of the 2018 General Obligation Bond Proposition 6 funds was presented. Also, the Utilities Department has reviewed the exposed sewer and concluded it meets criteria and does not appear to be a concern. The Drainage Advisory Committee unanimously recommended denial of expenditures.
Cost: $100,000.00
Funding Source: 2018 General Obligation Bond, Proposition 6
Requested By: Charlie Bright, P.E., Director of Engineering an...
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