Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 12-03-2024
Consideration, discussion and possible approval of and authorization to execute Resolution No. 1616, a Resolution of the Broken Arrow City Council declaring an emergency as a result of the November 2024 rain storms and damage to city infrastructure including the bridge carrying New Orleans Street over Haikey Creek in the City of Broken Arrow; Activation of the City's emergency operation protocols, including waiving state and local provisions pertaining to competitive bidding as allowed by law; authorizing an informal bidding process; Awarding the of the lowest responsible quote for bridge repairs to Timber Wolf Excavating, Inc.; Authorizing the City Manager to execute emergency contracts as necessary for repairs and any subsequent critical events; Providing for the termination and extension of the provisions of this resolution; and directing the City Manager to carry out all applicable provisions
On November 22, 2024, City staff inspecting the construction of waterline under the "Florence and Haikey Creek Sewer and Waterline Rehabilitation" project observed a large amount of debris under the bridge that carries New Orleans Street over Haikey Creek. Upon further inspection, the west abutment was noted to have significant scour under the pile cap which was exposing the steel H-piles that support he bridge abutment. Garver, the consultant that performed bridge inspections throughout the City of Broken Arrow in 2022, was engaged to perform an emergency evaluation of the bridge. Garver field inspector arrived at the bridge the afternoon of November 22, 2024, and City staff received the professional evaluation from Garver engineering staff.
The evaluation determined that the excessive debris diverted stormwater flow in the creek towards the western abutment of the bridge. City staff believes that the debris/drift was carried by heavy rain events from November 3, 2024, to November 9, ...
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