Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 01-14-2025
Presentation and discussion for Broken Arrow Farmers Market Plaza and Grain Silo (Project No. 2417300)
The Broken Arrow Farmers Market Plaza located in the Rose District on Main Street has seen tremendous growth over the years thanks to investment from the City and the community. Multiple special events occur at the plaza including a farmers market throughout the growing season. These events utilize the existing infrastructure as well as bring in equipment when needed.
Back in April 2024, the historic grain silo, weigh station, and surrounding land, just West of the farmers market, was available for purchase under auction. The City of Broken Arrow was able to purchase a portion of the property and currently under negotiations with the Railroad Company for a purchase agreement.
With the addition of the Grain Silo, the farmers market area can expand to allow for additional vendors to the market. Permanent structures could be added to support city events including a stage, additional public restrooms, and upgrading the grain silo with theatrical lighting.
Cost: $0
Funding Source: N/A
Requested By: Charlie Bright, P.E., Director of Engineering and Construction
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Farmers Market Inspiration Plans
Prepare a masterplan that encompasses both the existing Farmers Market and the new Grain Silo property (Project No. 2417300).