Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 02-18-25
Approval of and authorization to purchase two used BMW motorcycles for the Police Department traffic division from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol
One of the Police Department's 2024 BMW motorcycles was involved in a collision. The cost to repair this motorcycle exceeds the cost of a brand new BMW motorcycle.
The Oklahoma Highway Patrol has offered to sell BAPD two of its used BMW motorcycles. One of these motorcycles is a 2018 model (VIN #WB10A1303JZ466658) with 48,000 miles, and the other is a 2016 model (VIN #WB10A1305GZ194123) with 25,000 miles. These motorcycles have been well taken care of, are in good working order, and will require minimal effort to convert equipment for BAPD use.
These used OHP motorcycles typically bring upwards of $9,000 apiece at auction. OHP is willing to sell these two motorcycles to Broken Arrow for $7,000 (2018) and $6,000 (2016). This transaction would be an immediate solution for one of our motorcycle operators to continue serving the citizens of Broken Arrow by enforcing traffic law on a motorcycle. The other motorcycle would be used as a spare when the primary motorcycles are being serviced. The other alternative is to purchase a brand new BMW using fiscal 2026 funds. As of now the lead time to have a new BMW manufactured and shipped to us would be between 1 year and 1/1/2 years after it has been ordered.
Section 2-27 of our city ordinance allows exceptions to the procurement process when we endeavor to obtain supplies etc. from other units of government at a price deemed to be below that obtainable from private dealers, including government surplus.
BMW motorcycles are recommended for numerous reasons. The BMW brand consistently outperforms other police motorcycles in training and real-world scenarios. BMW motorcycles are also more efficient, cheaper to maintain, and have service locations within the state of Oklahoma. T...
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