Broken Arrow City Council
Approval of BAZ-001906-2024 (Rezoning), County Line 25, approximately 25 acres, A-1 (Agriculture) to RS-4 (Single-Family Residential), located approximately one-half mile south of Albany Street (61st Street), west of 37th Street (209th E. Avenue)
BAZ-001906-2024 is a request to rezone approximately 25 acres from A-1 (Agriculture) to RS-4 (Single-Family Residential) for County Line 25, a proposed residential subdivision. This property is generally located south of Albany Street and west of 37th Street. The property is presently undeveloped and unplatted.
This rezoning request is associated with a potential residential development that proposes to create a subdivision. When a plat associated with this development is submitted staff will require that all dimensional standards for RS-4 zoning be met as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. Additionally, access to 37th Street and stub streets will be required. All potential streets must be constructed to City of Broken Arrow standards.
During the meeting held January 16, 2025, the Planning Commission recommended approval (3-0) of BAZ-001906-2024 per Staff recommendation. Staff recommended that BAZ-001692-2024 be approved subject to platting. During the public comment period no one spoke on this item.
Cost: $0
Funding Source: N/A
Requested By: Rocky Henkel, Community Development Director
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report
Case Map
Aerial Image
Comprehensive Plan
Approve BAZ-001906-2024 per Planning Commission and Staff recommendation.