Broken Arrow City Council
Meeting of: 12-17-2024
Approval of PUD-001818-2024 (Planned Unit Development) and BAZ-001817-2024 (rezoning), Aspen Market, CN (Commercial Neighborhood), CG (Commercial General), RD (Residential Duplex) and R-2 (Single-Family Residential) to CH (Commercial Heavy) and PUD-001818-2024, 30.5 acres, Comprehensive Plan Level 6, generally located on the northeast corner of Tucson Street (121st Street) and Aspen Avenue (145th East Avenue)
PUD-001818-2024 and BAZ-001817-2024 are requests to change the zoning to Commercial Heavy and PUD-001817-2024 on approximately 30.5 acres generally located on the northeast corner of Tucson Street (121st Street) and Aspen Avenue (145th East Avenue). The property is currently unplatted and undeveloped.
The subject property is designated as Level 6 in the Comprehensive Plan. BAZ-001817-2024 is a request to rezone this property to CH, which is supported by the comprehensive plan. PUD-001818-2024 is a Planned Unit Development, which limits the allowed uses on the property to those allowed by right in the CG (Commercial General) zoning district and carwashes, which is allowed by right in the CH district. This property is proposed to be designed within the regulations of the zoning ordinance except where outlined below:
PUD-001818-2024 proposes to take the place of a specific use permit and allow for Integrated Development Identification (IDI) signage on the site. This PUD would allow for three total multi-tenant signs: one sign along the Creek Turnpike with a maximum height of 40’ and 320 square foot, one main entrance sign on Aspen Avenue with a maximum height of 30’ and 300 square feet, and one on the south side along West Tucson Street with a maximum height of 9.5’ and 62 square footage of area.
The setbacks align with the zoning ordinance, except the front setback onto West Tucson Street is being proposed to be reduced from 50’ to 20’.
Access and Circulation
This development is proposed to be served by a combination of drives and streets. The final mix of public streets, private streets, and drives has not been finalized yet. During the platting process, a variance to the subdivision regulations could be brought forward with the final layout of the private streets. This will allow for three entrances off Aspen Avenue (one being signalized), and three entrances off Tucson Street. These entrances will be required to meet all of the separation requirements of the zoning ordinance and the engineering design criteria. The exact layout and location of these entrances, drives, and private streets will be finalized during the platting process.
This development is proposed to be served with public sidewalks along the south and west along the two arterial streets, and private sidewalks as shown in the PUD design statement Exhibit F.
These items were heard by Planning Commission on November 21st, 2024. Planning Commission recommended approval of PUD-001818-2024 and BAZ-001817-2024 per staff recommendation, with a 4-0 vote. There were no public comments on this item at Planning Commission.
Cost: $0
Funding Source: None
Requested By: Rocky Henkel, Director of Community Development
Approved By: City Manager’s Office
Attachments: Planning Commission Staff Report
Case Map
Aerial PUD-001818-2024 Design Statement (Aspen Market)
Approve PUD-001818-2024 and BAZ-001817-2024 per Planning Commission and Staff recommendation.